Trend Report | Instagram 趨勢報告2022

Z世代後生仔都關注d乜嘢? 2022互聯網趨勢如何?

①Fashion&Beauty 時尚美容

②Shopping 購物

③Music&Dance 音樂與舞蹈

④Celebrities&Creators 名人和創作者

⑤Career&Education 職場和教育

⑥Food 美食

⑦Wellness 健康

⑦Gaming 遊戲

⑧MEMES 表情包

⑨Social justice 社會公正

更多實用資訊,盡在Creation Media!

尼日利亞推特禁令 100 天:Facebook、Instagram獲利

聯邦政府於 2021 年 6 月 4 日停止了微博平台在尼日利亞的活動,要求該國所有電信網絡和廣播電台斷開並關閉推特服務。



信息和文化部長 Alhaji Lai Mohammed 表示,該禁令是必要的,因為該平台持續使用能夠破壞尼日利亞企業生存的活動,這引起了尼日利亞知名人士的強烈抗議,他們認為該行動是一種關於言論自由的攻擊。



這一行動是在推特以安全規則為由刪除了總統Muhammadu Buhari的推文後採取的。



在尼日利亞禁止推特100 天后,高科技編輯Prince Osuagwu在該國禁止推特後,該微博平台在禁止前的 25.52% 市場份額中損失了約 23.44%。這與 Facebook 和 Instagram 等其他社交媒體平台從 Twitter 的虧損中獲得巨大收益。 根據全球社交媒體統計平台 Statcounter 的數據,截至 2021 年 5 月,Twitter 在尼日利亞的市場份額為 25.52%,但截至 2021 年 8 月,這一比例已大幅下降至 2.8%。



然而,與此形成鮮明對比的是,Facebook 截至 5 月的 56.46% 突然躍升至 76.87%,而 Instagram 的 5.25% 現在為 11.47%。這一增長表明 Twitter 用戶大量湧入其他社交媒體平台以進行他們的活動。Twitter 不僅失去了市場份額,而且還失去了其在尼日利亞龐大數量的廣告收入和其他收益。



自從禁令實施以來,該國的經濟已經損失了超過 2170 億奈拉。許多尼日利亞人希望政府撤銷該行動並解除對 Twitter 的禁令。在最近的一段視頻中,前參議院議長 Bukola Saraki 博士呼籲聯邦政府為了尼日利亞人的利益審查禁令。他表示,政府必須始終關注其決定如何影響年輕人。Twitter 就像一個市場,人們可以在這裡銷售他們的產品、商品和開展業務。”作為政府,你必須問自己:’這樣的禁令對我的人民有什麼影響?’; 他說:“當我們談論 Twitter 禁令時,我們必須從它如何影響尼日利亞年輕人的生計的角度來看待它。






Creation Media從事線上廣告推廣業務十二年






中秋將至,Creation Media🦁祝願大家:
Creation Media 有幸與你歷盡春華秋實,共賞花好月圓~

5 Digital Marketing Trends you can no longer ignore in 2019


With the ever-progressing technologies, the current Internet era is going through a dramatic change. 2018 was a big year for digital marketing, however , the digital world never stops. The arrival of the 2019 also brings the huge transformation of the digital marketing. Here comes the 5 digital marketing trends that you can no longer ignore in 2019.

  1. Artificial intelligence

  2. Go Mobile! 

  3. Chatbot 

  4. Personalization

  5. Video Marketing

2019 Digital Advertising Forecast

Digital is the most visible manifestation, with eMarketer predicting that global digital ad spend will grow 17.1% to $32.728 billion in 2019. Alibaba, Facebook and Google will be the leading sellers of digital advertising, with the three companies accounting for 61.2% of the global digital advertising market. In 2019, Google will become the world’s first digital ad seller with a net digital ad revenue of more than $100 billion.

In Hong Kong, digital ad spend is expected to rise 21%. Among the major advertising channels, banner ads accounted for the largest share at 43.5%, followed by short film ads at 24.8%.

After understanding the general situation, it‘s time to follow the trends and set up the marketing advertising plan for 2019.

1.Artificial intelligence

With the current development of science and technology, artificial intelligence is no longer a fantasy that only exists in science fiction movies.On the contrary, artificial intelligence exists in every aspect of our life. Ai has made great contributions to improving user experience,e.g. ad targeting, chatbot, programmatic media buying, etc.

Among the above, search ad must be the highlight. Google Ads and Facebook Ads have already elevated their products with AI and applied their own algorithm on their advertising platforms.

With the help of AI technology, Google responsive search ads can be automatically adjusted to more suitable for users to search for words. This adjustment brings about a 15% increase in customer clicks.

2.Go Mobile!

The number of mobile phone users is increasing day by day, and mobile advertising is the biggest growth driver of Internet advertising. Mobile advertising is expected to account for about a third (32%) of Hong Kong’s total advertising revenue by 2022, according to estimates. Advertisers should target this phenomenon by investing more resources in mobile phone advertising to increase their exposure and expand their potential customer base.


Improving user experience has become a topic that every advertiser must pay attention to. Timely response is very important for the customer experience. As a result, chatbot are becoming a trend.

Chatbot can not only respond timely, but also find out the customer’s purchase records, browsing records and so on accurately.

It is expected that by 2020, 80% of enterprises will use chatbot to provide instant customer service to customers on different communication platforms.



Personalization= Maximize enjoyment+ Minimize search time

With the availability of data like purchase history, consumer behavior and links clicked, custom content has never been easier. In fact, 96% of marketers believe that personalization advances customer relationships.

As a result, Advertisers in the face of the audience, according to their personal behavior of personalized advertising customized, the effect is far better than the explosion of a large range of advertising.

5.Video marketing

Let’s look at a set of data:

  • 70% of consumers say that they have shared a brand’s video.

  • 72% of businesses say video has improved their conversion rate.

  • 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions.

  • 65% of executives visit the marketer’s website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video.

The appeal of pictures has gradually become insufficient to meet the needs of the audience, and consumers are more willing to spend time watching some interesting short video.At the same time the production cost of the film is falling, advertisers can try to use the film to replace the picture.


These are our top 5 digital marketing trends to watch out for in 2019.But knowing is not enough. You need to actually apply them to your advertising campaigns.

A partner with years of digital marketing experience and a professional team can help you get ahead. Contact us and we will customize the digital marketing plan for you.



Hotline:+852 3704 9000



Facebook Pixel 你了解嗎?

社群時代的來臨,許多企業都會選擇在facebook投放廣告,但是在投放廣告的時候有沒有利用Facebook Pixel這個功能呢?其實大眾對於FB pixel的認知程度還不夠高。但這個功能對於考察廣告的成效是十分有必要的。

FB PIXEL又稱為FB像素,簡單來說就是一段程式碼,而當我們把這段程式碼放入官網後,就會有以下三大好處:





B.把商品加到購物車的客人很少→landing page或受眾需要調整










其實我們可以把像素想成是一種輔助工具,我們在經營網站的時候,我們可以不用輔助工具來監控網站流量變化,在投放FB廣告的時候也是一樣的,不裝FB PIXEL,很多更細部的成效你不會知道。若是現行的廣告成效都不錯,你也滿意,那這個工具也並不是必要不可。但如果廣告成效較差,你擔心廣告費用會石沉大海,那麼你就可以利用這個輔助工具,去瞭解具體的資料,找出問題的癥結點,對症下藥。







資料是最可靠的依據,做Facebook廣告投放的跨境電商企業都會使用Facebook 像素,來獲得各環節的精准資料。Facebook 像素是應用於網站的一段 JavaScript 代碼,通過這段代碼,廣告主可以衡量和優化廣告系列,以及為廣告系列創建受眾。使用 Facebook像素,廣告主可利用使用者跨設備在您的網站上採取的操作,創建更有效的 Facebook 廣告系列。







核心受眾可以理解為關鍵字定位的受眾,是Facebook 資料定位廣告受眾,可以通過選擇人口資訊、地理位置、興趣愛好、行為習慣等來定義的受眾,你可以在廣告組設置階段或者在Audience Manager裡創建。










The next section of the red community’s APP?

Recently, a pinch-face game has swept the major social platforms like a flood. Click on Ins, Facebook, etc., you can see a group of cute little people with 3D effects. The search found that the social software is called “ZEPETO” and has quickly reached the top of the App Store free list.


From the App Store’s global market performance, ZEPETO occupies a total of 14 countries. Top 1, 32 countries’ social rankings Top 1, ranked in Korea, the United States, Japan and other regions are also very high.

Such an instant app, it is inevitable that people are curious about where it is sacred. After downloading and opening the app, we will soon be pleasantly surprised to find out how there is a feeling of deja vu!
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Originally ZEPETO is a self-made 3D cartoon image, dress up space, and build a virtual community social software. At the same time, you can generate expressions through your own avatar, take photos with friends, and display personalized images.

The operation of the software is not complicated. You can use a photo of yourself to generate a preliminary image, and then adjust the details to achieve your own satisfactory results.


In addition to the material given in the soft body, you can also click the custom button to adjust the facial features through the fixed point.

After the five senses are established, you can also apply makeup to your character according to your preferences and fully display your personal characteristics.


The last step is also the step we are most familiar with: dress up! Purchase clothing through the gold coins obtained by the system and the task. After you have created your own avatar, you can start making emoticons, taking photos with friends, and so on.


This kind of pinch-faced game, why is it a red network?

From the perspective of the game’s attributes, this is not a simple expression or dressup software. It combines the functions of emoticons, dressups, mini-games and social networking with strangers.

  1. Social products are constantly digging into individual deep and diverse personalities. ZEPETO has many different details about image shaping. The user is also examining me in the process of pinching the face.
  2. Meet the user’s personalized expression and personal style display needs. Using emoticons is an essential part of modern social tools. You can use your own avatar to create emoticons, and more satisfy the needs of users’ personalized expression. expression
  3. Trends drive. Because of the novelty and interesting style, the characters look good. When these virtual characters are popular on major social platforms. A trend-following mood drives users to search for and download software. Once spread, it will form a huge linkage effect. The software naturally ignited.

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After the red, will it be a flash in the pan?

  1. The traffic is exploding and the product is unable to undertake

I think the friends who have downloaded the software have realized that the process of opening the page after the software download is very long, and sometimes it can even be stuck on a page. The reaction speed of the software is also unsatisfactory. As an emerging software, faced with such a huge amount of traffic, it needs to be constantly adjusted in terms of adaptation. If the user’s experience is not good, the software will face a large number of users losing.

  1. Product Attribute Single

In addition to the social function, ZEPETO is nothing more than a software for making expressions and dressing up. If you don’t develop a new functional project for a long time, the user’s freshness will gradually forget the software.

Moreover, in terms of social functions, the ZEPETO system is still relatively unstable, and the aspects that can be created independently are limited to pinching and dressing. To create a stronger user stickiness, you need to develop more interesting features of the product. Fix these huge flows

Having said that, take a look at Creation Media’s work!

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In addition to the full egg, “Invincible Destruction King 2” has so much Internet information!

Not long ago, the release of “Invincible Destruction King 2 Explosion of the Internet”, the familiar Internet is presented to the public in the form of figuration, Disney’s unconventional plot arrangement and exquisite picture can be said to bring a Disney-style style to the audience. Internet dreams.

“Invincible Destruction King 1” was filmed in 2012, and in 2018, “Invincible Destruction King 2” is of great significance to Disney. As the world’s top entertainment industry giant, Disney’s market capitalization was surpassed by a young Internet company: Netflix in 2018. And this movie is undoubtedly a declaration of Disney embracing the Internet.


The film is mainly from the two protagonists in the stand-alone game: the story of Ralph and Yunilop. The game hall owner of the stand-alone game connected to the wifi and opened the channel for the stand-alone game and the Internet. Because the steering wheel handle of Yunilup’s game “Sweet Sprint” was accidentally broken by children, in order to keep the game, Ralph and Yunilup went to the Internet world to find the “Ebay” purchase steering wheel.

The Internet world has always existed in our virtual form, and this time, Disney has portrayed us with a figurative Internet city.

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As soon as you enter the Internet city, you will be greeted by major Internet giants: Google, YouTube, Facebook, Amazon, etc. Domestic companies have also appeared in this film: Sina and Tmall.


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The image of Twitter is also ingenious, borrowing its logo as a blue bird of figuration, and posting the latest tweets on the branches. And Gmail is like a small train, busy in the air.


As the key point of the film, “Ebay” appears as a modern modern building.


The viewers in real life all appear as a square-headed villain, and all the actions of the Internet world will affect the viewers in real life.

Is this the old man in the picture recognized? If you can’t think of it, Iron Man behind you will give you a hint!

stan lee

Automatic association
The automatic association function is anthropomorphized into a know-how. The automatic association function is very common in search engines. When we enter keywords, automatic association will automatically fill the rest of the content for us. This is also a simple embodiment of artificial intelligence.


For example, when we enter “Web Promotion” in the Google browser, the browser will automatically help us to correlate relevant information.

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Pop-up advertising

Pop-up advertisements are not unfamiliar to everyone. When we browse the webpage, pop-up advertisements are like the salesmen who are common in our lives (learning about swimming and fitness; interested in learning about English?), constantly attracting us. Attention, trying to guide us to our own website.



However, from the perspective of user experience, pop-up ads are not popular with users, and sometimes even cause users to resent.

Our experience tells us that pop-up ads often lead us to unhealthy websites, or some illegal websites, sometimes even associated with computer viruses. Therefore, when choosing to do online marketing, pop-up advertising is not a good choice.

Short video platform
Zan sister plays the role of website traffic algorithm in the film. A fashionable dress, the coat is made of network fiber. She is looking for the most popular video elements for the young people to promote and praise. This is very similar to the domestic “vibrato”, everyone is competing to shoot content that is popular with current users, in order to get more exposure and praise. And these praises and sharing can be turned into real money.


Transforming the traffic and turning the exposure into banknotes is a very common thing in the current online world. It is this environment that has spawned a large number of Internet reds, KOL. They have a large number of fans, and once they pass it through their hands, they can generate huge amounts of communication. This emerging advertising model is also benefited from the rapid development of the Internet and the media.

Big information explosion

In such an environment where information is exploding and spreading at a high speed, the Internet reds are red and fast. Perhaps the Internet hot words that were eagerly imitated the day before were replaced by emerging hot spots the next day.

This is perhaps the most straightforward in the “vibrato”. Some time ago, you can see a lot of piles of shivering sound: “We learn to call me together, 喵喵喵喵喵·········”, and most recently I heard the most: ” Come on! Brother!”

Maybe you will feel inexplicable, but in this era of information explosion, the next hot spot is hidden everywhere.

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It’s because of the big news explosion that if your products or businesses don’t advertise, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by the waves of information.

Don’t want to be eliminated by the times? Creation Media helps you break through!

Gold plans to help you in multi-platform exposure, Google & Yahoo search, GDN (Google Display Network) & remarketing, Facebook advertising, Yahoo native advertising strong join, advertising information into the main online information platform, including news, fashion, movies, etc. With multiple version bits, it blends seamlessly with the content, and the eye-catching effect is remarkable!

Don’t be obscured again! You are also worth enjoying the unlimited business opportunities brought by high exposure!


Creation Media is invited to participate in Google Partners Summit 2018

Creation Media was invited by Google last week to go to Taiwan to participate in the Google Partners Summit 2018 (Greater China Partner Summit. The summit will last for two days. All the elites in the field are gathered here to learn how to use it more efficiently. The Google platform has had a lively discussion of the role of Google tools.1

Simplify usage and optimize user experience. It has always been an aspect that Google is striving for. At the summit, Google also mentioned: a more simplified experience. A detailed description of the various aspects of the Google Marketing Platform (Google Marketing Platform). This is also the direction of Creation Media’s future efforts. Give full play to the advantages of all major platforms, make full use of relevant tools, and strive to provide each customer with the most professional and accurate network promotion program. Optimize the user experience.


In addition, the summit also mentioned that in the future, AI and ML will be fully integrated into our advertisements, in order to help customers get the best results in the simplest way and in the shortest time.

AI (Artificial Intelligence) and ML (Machine Learning) will be the future of the advertising industry. With the continuous deepening of the era of big data and the continuous development of the media, the choice of audiences is becoming wider and wider, and the needs of the audience are becoming more and more personalized. Companies should not only expand their voices, but also consider how to make the most of the advantages of social platforms, and how to build relationships with their audiences through social media.

And the marketing trend of artificial intelligence means a few points:


  • Customer needs are personalized, and artificial intelligence means that everyone can be satisfied with many personalized needs

  • Scenario, the ad appears to fit the scene, and the media is getting richer

  • Timeliness, to meet user needs in a timely manner.

In the era of artificial intelligence, advertising will become an important business message. To satisfy the audience, not to dislike the advertisement or even to love the advertisement, is the direction that every advertiser needs to work hard.


The combination of work and rest has always been the style of Google’s work. In addition to sharing information and sharing sessions, Google also carefully prepared a grand dinner for the guests present. On the evening of the dinner, the guests were dressed up. Men wear formal suits and women wear elegant dresses. The dinner is dominated by red, and the bright red light reflects the dazzling brilliance through the crystal wine glass.



Accompanied by fine wines and fine food, the guests present had an unforgettable night. Thanks to Google for giving everyone the opportunity to interact and make progress in Taipei. We believe that under the guidance of Google, Creation Media will continue to grow and improve, providing customers with high-quality and comprehensive digital marketing solutions.

As Google Partners Summit 2018 says: We will be on the wind!



Facebook article rule: the number of brushes is not as good as the brush experience!

Find someone to share their own content, let people go to praise the post, as if it has become the standard for Facebook post. But over time, it will be discovered that such a mechanized way of spreading is simply a simple dissemination of content that is not of interest to the audience. Can not form hot spots, causing user discussion.

Have we ever thought about sending an article, and simply increase the number of po texts, instead of discussing the essence of the article, such a post is just a meaningless repetition. The number of brushes is not as good as the brush experience! Try to reduce the content of your own page, Use more time to come up with variousExperience give users, find the reason for punching/sharing, let They take the initiative to advertise for you, which may be more powerful than writing :Post.

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For example, I saw a cute snack in a new style restaurant, so I took a photo and shared it on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat or Twitter. When my friend sees the photos I share, I will know where to have these snacks. What I shared is not the Facebook Post of the restaurant, but for my friends, this po is more interesting and attractive than sharing the official content on the page. Or, sharing your official Post is mostly to meet social metrics, and users spontaneously share the experience that your company brings to them, and may be more capable of bringing business. User (consumer) spontaneous updates are our operations. The page is difficult to “simulate”.


Another example, when I went to eat snacks, one of the snack papers was “This is not a spring roll.” So when I searched on Facebook, I saw related poems, and there were friends who talked about this.


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And this kind of content initiated by users to talk about your company or its products/services is mostly discussed by more than one person on your own page, and eventually it will reach Facebook’s so-called “valuable social interaction.” However, if you want to transform these discussions strategically and effectively, you probably can’t be completely unprepared. At least you have to set up a Facebook checkpoint and even link this punch to your page so that you can see the consumer’s punches from Page Insights and let you respond.

Although this is only a small change, it can be a new direction for Facebook Xiaobian to manage the page.

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